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Teaching children about God’s love and offering them an opportunity to escape poverty through education


In a country with a literacy rate of only 28% ...

... the Peniel School is a beacon of hope for children who are wonderfully capable and eager to learn.


Our History:

Peniel School opened its doors in October 2006. The first

school year ended with an enrollment of 42 students. Each

Fall, a new class is welcomed and now, for the eleventh

school year, Preschool enrollment 156 kids, and the Primary

School enrollment 501. In the fall of 2011, the middle

school ("college") opened its doors and 35 students began

the next level of education! During the 2018-2019 middle-

school year, 175 are attending and the high school has

been opened and 57 students are attending..


Our Director:

Welcome  to Peniel School. My name is Hadiza and I serve

as the Director.


Since I was very young, I've always been passionate about helping children. I liked to gather them and tell them small stories and teach them songs, my other passion. People call me in our local language "zakai gna," which means the "mother of children.” So, naturally when I accepted Jesus into my life, just after my baptism, I trained as a children’s Sunday School teacher and taught the Word of God to children in my local church, Yantala Assembly of God.  When I finished University, I taught at the Evangelical School of Maradi. I was appointed director after one year. When I returned to Niamey with my husband, I was appointed director of The Peniel School in 2006. Since that time it has

been exciting to see hundreds of children who had no hope of receiving 

an education be given a good future. It has been especially important to

me that these children have also been given the opportunity to know

Jesus Christ and the eternal life He offers.


Thank you to pray for this ministry. May God bless you richly.



The French School system:

Peniel is set up according to the French system. Pre-school

is called Maternelle.  Maternelle is divided into three

sections- Petite, Moyenne and Grande. The preschoolers

attend only in the morning. The next class is Cours d'initiation: Introductory Course in the language. French is the official language in Niger but in-coming students do not know French because Hausa or Zarma are spoken in most households. Being fluent in French prepares them for higher education and future employment opportunities.


After the students progress through Cours d'initiation (CI), they

enter Cours Preparatoire (CP) "Preparatory Courses." The

students must pass an exam in order to advance to the next

class level. Upon completing CP, students have the chance to

advance into Cours Elementaire (CE1 & 2) "Elementary

Courses." Finally, the last classes in primary school are Cours

Moyen (CME1 and 2): "Middle Courses." Following Cours

Moyen, and after a national exam, students may progress to

College (Secondary school). It is the College that has been

growing on a second Peniel School campus since the fall of




Our Food Program:

Because Peniel seeks to minister to children not only

spiritually, emotionally, intellectually but also physically,

we are excited to offer our students a hot meal every

day except Wednesdays, which are half-days at school.

This program began two years ago as a result of

generous private donations. If you would like to

contribute to this program click "Donate" below,

scroll to "Peniel School-Niger" under "Apply my gift to:,"

then note "Food Program" in the comment box.




The Republic of Niger:

Niger is a land-locked country in Western Africa. 80% of Niger's land mass is in the Sahara Desert. The largest population resides in the South and Southwest of the country.  Average high temperatures in the capital of Niamey range from 90 to 112 degrees F. The rainiest times of the year occur between June and September.


Niger is rich in hospitality and humbling generosity. There are approximately 16.8 million people who call Niger home. This is challenging in light of the fact that 80% of Niger's land mass is desert. The desert contributes to the deep poverty in which most of the population lives. The average annual per capita income is only $900, with 43% of Nigeriens living on less than $1.25 a day. The United Nations lists Niger as tied for last on the Human Development Index. Currently, the median age in Niger is 15 years old and the vast majority of the population is Muslim or practicing animistic religion. At the most, only 0.3% of the population is Christian though the Church is growing. The government is secular and allows Christian schools to operate freely. Because of the country's poverty, the government is unable to provide adequate education for everyone. Life expectancy at birth is only 54 years. The infant mortality rate in Niger is a staggering 88 out of 1,000 live births (the 7th worst rating in the world).

You will find more recent information on The Peniel Blog. You may make donations by clicking below, then scroll to "Peniel School-Niger" under "Apply my gift to:"

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