Life Center offers widows life transformation...
Life Center is an Orphan and Widow care ministry located in Ethiopia and the United States. One of their visions is to help the widows and change their lives. They were established in 2013, since then 24 widows have participated in our small business program in which we grant.
Widows interest free loans:
How it works: Life Center releases the funds to the widows and they have 2 years to repay in full, although majority of the widows pay the loan back in less than a year. The loans help them start a small business to earn income independently. Life Center sees a dramatic change in the widows financial stability, as well as their overall well-being.
Basic Skills Training:
Life Center also offers basic skills training that gives widows knowledge on how to run their business and be successful. LC currently has 6 widows that have participated in sewing training and have gained certifications. Since their graduation Life Center has received donations to purchase three sewing machines that are now available to the widows at our Life Center office in Ethiopia.
To see more about Life Center click on this link:
You may also make donations to Life Center through their website or by clicking on "Donate" on this site, and scrolling down to "Life Center Widow and Orphan Project" where you see "Apply my gift to:"