Scholastica Memorial Hospital construction is in the home stretch, but we need your help.

As you can see in the photo, the hospital building is nearing completion except for a few finishes. This in itself is remarkable, as over $172,000 from both US and Kenyan donations has been put into the project. The well was drilled last week,
What remains are important external projects like construction of a water tower to go with the well and a septic system that is designed to limit the spread of diseases. We can taste the end of all construction and the opening of the hospital doors to serve the marginalized community of Kuria, Kenya.

A detailed budget for the remaining costs follows. We've tried to be thoroough on this list.If you would consider donating a part of this to help us finish the project you may make donations online through the TLP website (click "Donate" above or below).
$9360- Flooring. Medical specialists have told us that the polished cement floor we had planned is not able to be kept clean enough for a hospital, and the less expensive flooring we substituted gets too slippery when wet. So this is expense beyond our earlier estimates. We are also looking into a poured epoxy flooring as a less expensive alternative.
$2000 - Pending bill for the government required environmental study.
$1600 – Ceiling. The cost of remaining ceiling boards. We use a thin plywood in Kenya
$320 - Window glass. The frames are all in, but glass must now be installled
$3500 – Doors. Frames are all in stalled, but the doors are needed.
$250 - Final coat of paint.
$540 - Gutters. Gutters will be installed to catch rain water as back-up in dry times.
$5250 – Remaining labor costs, locks, bulbs and other small and miscellaneous building costs
$13,500 – Solar well pump and water tower
$11,800 - Security wall. This is very important for the safety of the patients and the security of the equipment and supplies
$12,200 - Septic tank and leach field
$11,600 - Customs duty and port charges for the container of hospital equipment and supplies from Project Cure. It should arrive mid-late October
$2100 - Pending bills for building materials
$6200 - Computers and networking equipment for the administrative offices
$2400 - Larger screen and player to show Christian films in the waiting area
$2000 - Wooden benches for waiting area
$3100 - Security system
$15,000 - Transformer on the property to assure adequate adequate electric power
$7500 - Underground tanks to catch rainwater for clean water backup.
$15,000 - Back-up generator to assure electric power during frequent blackouts
$45,000 - First two years startup costs
$5000 - Miscellaneous
Online and mailed donations are explained via this "Donate" link above or below. Please scroll on "Apply my gift to" to "Scholastica Memorial Hospital."